

Valuations guarantee that exact values are placed on businesses by using standard methods of the industry that have proven results and confirmed indications. Our pool of international experts works on analyzing your financial, marketing and operational data, where they apply the best practice valuation methods, with a highlight on deciding the most precise and reasonable market value of your company. We outline the company’s value in commonly used terms that is simple for any professional or client to understand.


We gather information about the operational aspects, intangibles and risk factors that affect your company by using a quantitative approach; management interviews; revising necessary documents and a field visit. Our experts have the ability to fully understand the financial and operational components of your company which facilitates the best implementation of the valuation objective and which finally supports our conclusions. Moreover, we aim to work with our clients in developing realistic projections when deemed necessary; in addition to identifying the operational and industry risk factors that can validate higher or lower valuation conclusions.


We deliver:

  • Precise analysis of the client’s financial, marketing and operational data.

  • An outline of the company’s value in a simple form to be understood by all.

  • A complete data profile that includes information on operational aspects, intangibles and risk factors that affect your company.