

Reorganization endeavors many times tend to be complicated and chaotic; forget the organizational chart, what you need to do is focus on decisions and not structure. CEOs need to understand that changing the structure of the organization is not necessarily the right step towards achieving better results; on the contrary, many times issues that are believed to be at the root of deficiencies could easily be resolved through simple diagnostic steps and correct solutions that are applied to the decision-making process.

After assessing the strengths and weakness of the organization, our pool of experts work on designing a new structure that highlights the most challenging areas and help in defining the tools that will guide implementers throughout the designing of the restructure process. Choices need to be made regarding the enhancement of certain sectors and pivotal positions; some of these decisions may be easy to pinpoint, such as executing key capital investments, a role usually performed by the corporate department, but some aspects may require the appraisal of trade-offs. We ensure that the design grabs the attention of top management towards strategic priorities and critical processes of each business component, region or product - whether it is international expansion, cost reduction or growth through new acquisitions. Once this is final, we are determined that our implementation methods enable our customers to fully realize the economic value specified in the redesign; and that all departments have understood the performance measures that were undertaken.

We deliver:

  • A plan for a new structure that pinpoints business challenges.

  • Tools for implementation of the restructuring processes.

  • Simple diagnostic steps to be applied to the decision-making process

  • Implementation methods enabling customers to comprehend specific economic value presented in the redesign