Project Management Office (PMO)


Most organizations spend a lot of their effort in establishing a project management office (PMO) that can manage strategic initiatives and investments in the organization. A project management office acts like a department to manage and maintain the strategic initiatives and investments of an organization. However it’s easily said than done. The initiatives and investments managed by the project management office will span all the departments of an organization and are often quite complicated to be implemented.


The management of a project and investment is complex, costly and requires expertise. Precise execution of the project roadmap is essential to keeping in line with the budget, timeline and the project targets. Management of the overall project necessitates constant supervision of the monetary and human resources, the integration of milestones within the schedule and orchestration of the work required to reach those milestones and risk analysis and management throughout the project. One mistake overlooked, one risk left uncalculated and unprepared for may cause severe problems that result in schedule delays, budget expansion and may even cause a necessity to lower the targets.


TANGIBLE’s PMO will be the strategic partner needed to reach your project and investment targets with the allocated resources by preventing problems, minimizing risks and eliminating surprises. With our experience in the infrastructure industries, and our focus on quality, productivity, cost and delivery, we are able to provide precise management for your projects and investments of any size and complexity. Our approach and competitive edge in the market is that we have an extensive network, and partnerships and affiliations with the international leading technical expert firms in the fields of: construction (roads, infrastructure, etc), electricity networks (power plants, extended electricity networks, etc), oil and gas, and hospitals. We form consortiums in cooperation with these companies to deliver projects in the Middle East and Africa.